Frequently Asked Questions
What is Queen Creek Coalition?
Queen Creek Coalition (QCC) is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt Arizona nonprofit corporation. Its goals are to maximize rock climbing and other recreational opportunities in the Queen Creek region through working with companies, land owners, land managers, and governmental agencies. It is run by a Board of Directors according to standard practices for non-profit corporations.
What is QCC’s mission?
QCC seeks to maximize rock climbing and recreational opportunities in the Queen Creek region.
What climbing areas does QCC have a role in managing now?
The Pond and Atlantis are on private lands owned by Resolution Copper Mining LLC (RCM); and rock climbing is allowed at these areas pursuant to a Recreational Use License signed by RCM and QCC in July of 2012.
In the future other lands that may be transferred into the ownership of RCM may also be governed by the Recreational Use License. It is likely that access to other recreational opportunities in the region on USFS, BLM, or State Trust lands will be evaluated as potential projects by QCC.
What is the Recreational Use License?
In July of 2012, Resolution and the Queen Creek Coalition entered into a Recreational Use License that lays out the groundwork for continued climbing on existing climbing areas and expanding climbing and recreational opportunities in the region. Without the License being in place rock climbers would be trespassing on Resolution’s private land. An overview of the terms of the Recreational Use License appear on the “License” tab of this website.
What is the status of the proposed Oak Flat land exchange?
On December 19, 2014 President Obama signed into law the Southeast Arizona Land Exchange and Conservation Act (Land Exchange) as a part of larger legislation. The Land Exchange will bring into federal stewardship approximately 5,344 acres of high priority conservation land in exchange for approximately 2,422 acres of National Forest System lands. The Land Exchange contains provisions for a NEPA review prior to finalization and government to government negotiations with the Native American community.
Why did QCC support the Land Exchange?
We believe that working with Resolution Copper will help us see increased regional opportunities for hikers, rock climbers, mountain bikers, canyoneers, and other recreational users. We anticipate being able to begin announcing some of the steps to secure existing and possible climbing crags in the Queen Creek Region as a whole.
What is the status of the Queen Creek climbing areas?
All of the historic climbing areas in the Queen Creek region are open to rock climbing.
What can climbers do to support QCC’s efforts?
There will be opportunities in the future for climbers to support and participate in QCC’s efforts. For now, climbers are encouraged to contact QCC with their questions or comments, either by contacting any QCC director personally (they are listed on the Contact page) or by sending an email to
How do individuals or companies donate to the QCC?
QCC would be happy to discuss donations with anyone and can be evaluated as tax deductible. Please email now to let us know of your interest in donating to QCC.